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Volume 15 • Number 1

February 2018

Editor's Message

FORUM: Organizing World History

Guest Editor, Rick Szostak
Introduction to the Forum on Organizing World History
by Rick Szostak
Motion as an Organizing Principle in World History
by Jonathan T. Reynolds
"Innocuous" Organizing Devices for World History
by Rick Szostak
Organizing World History
by Stephen Morillo
Navigating the Currents of History
by Mark Ciotola


The World and a Small Place in England: Norwich's textile industry from the 'Middle Ages' to 'Industrial Revolution'
by Thomas Gidney
America's Civil War in the Pacific: Effects of the CSS Shenandoah Incident at Pohnpei Island
by Justin Vance, Anita Manning, and Jacob Otwell

Special Section

An Interview with Dr. Stewart Gordon, historian of long distance trade and related themes in world history
by John Maunu

Book Reviews

Benjamin Fortna, The Circassian: A Life of Esrey Bey, Late Ottoman Insurgent and Special Agent
by Thomas Anderson
Big History: Examines Our Past, Explains Our Present, Imagines Our Future. Foreword by David Christian
by David C. Fisher
Gilbert, Marc Jason, South Asia in World History
by Stewart Gordon
Christopher Isett and Stephen Miller, The Social History of Agriculture: From the Origins to the Current Crisis
by Tom Laichas
Matthew Gutmann and Jeffrey Lesser, eds. Global Latin America into the Twenty-First Century
by Cristina Mehrtens
Lakshmi Subramanian, The Sovereign and the Pirate: Ordering Maritime Subjects in India's Western Littoral
by Lincoln Paine
Bernd-Stefan Grewe and Karin Hofmeester, eds., Luxury in Global Perspective: Objects and Practices, 1600–2000
by Krista Sigler
Books available for review

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