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     Now that we are more than a month into the school year, what better way to recharge your intellectual battery than to explore the exciting mix of pedagogical, informational, and even philosophical approaches to teaching and researching world history in this issue of World History Connected? Secondary and post-secondary teachers alike will find much to use and much to ponder here, both in terms of essential background knowledge as well as practical techniques to use in the classroom.

     For starters, Jerry Bentley encourages us to think systematically about why we teach world history in the first place, and offers his own answer to this important question. From there, Craig Lockard synthesizes a great deal of scholarship on southeast Asia while highlighting the myriad ways that the region was connected to—and important in—the history of the world. Lockard's essay is followed by three pieces that guide readers through specific pedagogical techniques to use in world history classrooms, ranging from analyzing familiar Disney movies to utilizing performance and historical simulation. We are privileged, too, to feature an essay by Olusoji Oyeranmi from the University of Ibadan in Nigeria, who reminds us that the place of history both in schools as well as in national culture is far from secure everywhere in the world. Finally, we are happy to reprint here a panel from the 2007 World History Association conference in Milwaukee in an effort to publicize some of the scholarly work being done at the annual meeting every year. In addition to the variety offered in the essays, this issue features regular columns as well as twenty-seven book reviews on topics or themes related to world history.

     We hope you will find the issue thought-provoking, and that you will find its contents useful both in and out of the classroom.

Heather Streets, co-editor

Tom Laichas, co-editor



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