World history is a strong and vibrant field, and its practitioners care deeply about teaching. For most of us, this is hardly a new revelation, but the support this journal has received since the publication of its first issue is further testament to that fact. Records kept by the University of Illinois press indicate that the first issue has logged more than 100,000 hits to date, with over 10,000 representing readers who viewed multiple pages and articles. We've also heard directly from many of you, and you've let us know what you liked in the first issue as well as what you hope to see in future issues. Scholars and teachers from all over the country have lent their support to the journal by writing articles, columns, and reviews, by serving as reviewers and board members, by offering to share their expertise in future issues, and of course by using the journal as a resource for teaching world history. We'd like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your enthusiasm and generous support.
We believe you'll find further justification for such support in this second issue of World History Connected. The six essays featured here span a wide range of periods and places, from the origins of complex societies through twentieth-century globalization, and from China to the Atlantic World. Several of the essays are thematic, suggesting imaginative ways to bring ancient writing systems, technology, and consumerism to world history students. Their authors represent that mix of high school, college, and university teachers which makes the world history community so dynamic and so unique in the historical profession.
In addition to our featured essays, this second issue includes the four outstanding regular columns that debuted in our first issue. We also welcome a new column, "Media Matters," guest-edited by Washington State University's Paul Brians. We've added more book and article reviews, and anticipate that this portion of the journal will continue to grow with each issue. In addition, readers will find a new 'letters to the editors' link. We urge you to use this new feature to share suggestions and comments.
It is also our great pleasure to feature in this issue a guest editorial by Pat Manning about the difficulties of securing funding for research and teaching in world history. While Manning's message may not be one we want to hear, it seems clear that it is a message we must both hear and heed. Finally, Kevin Reilly has written a memorial to Leften Stavrianos, who passed away on March 23 at the age of ninety-one. It is fitting that this journal should include a memorial to Stavrianos, for his efforts were critical in establishing world history as a teaching field in our schools. Indeed, as one small token of our appreciation for his life and work on behalf of world history, we dedicate this issue to his memory, and hope that he would be pleased.
Heather Streets, co-editor
Tom Laichas, co-editor
Tim Weston, associate editor