Christopher Isett and Stephen Miller, The Social History of Agriculture: From the Origins to the Current Crisis. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, 2017. Pp. xiv + 389. Bibliography, References and Index. $45.00 (paper). |
This past summer, ahead of Britain's National Countryside Week, The Telegraph reported results from a survey of British 18–24 year-olds.
Meanwhile, the Washington Post reported that "seven percent of all American adults believe that chocolate milk comes from brown cows."2 It may be that seven percent of Americans enjoy pulling a pollster's chain. Then again, maybe not. If basic farm facts are terra incognita for most students (and, in truth, for most city-bound educators), then agricultural history may as well be an alien planet. World history texts and surveys do engage agricultural issues, offering students glimpses into the diversity of property tenures and labor regimes (slavery, tenantry, sharecropping, indenture, freehold, and free peasant cultivation) as well as key agricultural innovations (Europe's moldboard plow, for instance, or China's promotion of Champa rice). Taken together, all this can give students a basic grounding. However, it's not usually taken together. Instead, agricultural history ends up being fragmented among many eras and contexts, rather than treated as a thematic whole. As a result, students, especially those who have no experience working the land, are liable to misread rural life. For instance, many students associate the word "peasant" with slow wits, stubborn opposition to change, and fatalism in the face of exploitation. Such misunderstandings make much of world history difficult to comprehend. Christopher Isett (University of Minnesota) and Stephen Miller (University of Alabama) are out to restore agriculture to a central place in world history. Motivating their work is a commitment to a neo-Marxist historiography, announced at the outset with a swipe at standard narratives of agricultural history, narratives which, in their telling, have advanced little since Adam Smith and David Ricardo:
Their aim is to stress the agency of those directly engaged in agriculture in order to account for historical behaviors ostensibly at odds with the self-interest expected of rational actors seeking to maximize their gains:
As these passages suggest, any student reading Isett and Miller in whole or in part will need more than the average familiarity with vocabularies of both mainstream and Marxist economics. (In this passage, for instance, why would markets lead to "specialization"? What's a "price scissors"?) Students unfamiliar with ongoing debates about capitalism's origins and development are going to miss the point of some arguments. More broadly, students will not on their own, realize that plenty of economic historians and agricultural economists would vigorously dissent from the Marxist-inflected arguments Isett and Miller bring to the table. Students assigned The Social History of Agriculture will need considerable scaffolding. That said, The Social Origins of Agriculture has many strengths which will enrich world history courses. This is an expansive narrative, extending from the late Neolithic to the present, and offering a rare overview of the entire sweep of agricultural history.3 Within this narrative, Isett and Miller situate finely-grained cross-regional comparisons. These include:
Each of these chapters is like a small chocolate brownie, rich and dense. A passage from Islett and Miller's discussion of postwar French and Taiwanese agricultural policies points to the book's value:
Notable here are two of the book's strengths. The first is its commitment to develop expansive comparisons across time. They contrast the contemporary French and Taiwanese experience against that of the 20th century United States, pre-revolutionary Russia, Qing China, and ancient Rome, sending an attentive reader back to earlier chapters. They can do so because they return to the same regions at several historical periods. Chapters drill into agricultural developments in the United States, Brazil, Taiwan, France and West Africa twice and into those in China three times. The book's second strength is its emphasis on farmers themselves. This approach contrasts with the popular commodity-centric studies published over the last few years, as well as with accounts focused on intellectual history, technological innovation, and cultures of inventiveness. (Again, students who have some familiarity with these approaches will find it easier to make sense of Isett and Miller). Sympathy for the difficult choices faced by peasant farmers and agricultural laborers make Isett and Miller nearly as critical of 20th century Communist agrarian policies as much more conservative scholars. The revolutionaries who collectivized agriculture in the Soviet Union, China and Cuba were:
The underlying problem stemmed from the population's lack of control over production, incentive to work, and motivation to experiment (254). Still, Isett and Miller do not treat the three disasters as equally, well, disastrous:
As for Cuba, Isett and Miller argue that "the economy, standard of living, health, and [education] improved during the 1970s and 1980s" as a consequence of Cuba's preferential place in the socialist economic bloc. When that bloc collapsed, ringing in Cuba's desperate "special period," Cuban agriculture demonstrated
This focus on rural agency is not new. James Scott is probably the best recent example of a scholar who has done the same, deftly explaining the persistence of peasantry and its resistance both to market integration and to top-down state-centered agricultural policy.4 But Scott and many other developmental economists start the story relatively recently. Isett and Miller extend their analysis back to the beginning, making for a provocative and useful study. It has only been a decade since the world's rural population fell under 50%.5 In our classes, narratives focused on urbanization, individualism and industrialization eclipse those focused on rural landscapes, village life, and agrarian production. Reading Isett and Miller can suggest opportunities to rethink that balance. Tom Laichas is senior editor of World History Connected and teacher emeritus at Crossroads School in Santa Monica, California. |
Notes 1 "One in Eight Young People Have Never Seen a Cow in Real Life," The Telegraph (London), July 31, 2017 online at http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/07/31/one-eight-young-people-have-never-seen-cow-real-life/. 2 Caitlin Dewey, "The Surprising Number of American Adults Who Think Chocolate Milk Comes from Brown Cows," Washington Post, June 15, 2017 online at https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2017/06/15/seven-percent-of-americans-think-chocolate-milk-comes-from-brown-cows-and-thats-not-even-the-scary-part/?utm_term=.be54fab737d9. 3 Two other comprehensive histories of global agriculture are now on the market as well, but are not reviewed here. They are: Marcel Mazoyer and Laurence Roudart, A History of World Agriculture: From the Neolithic to the Present Crisis (New York: Monthly Review Press, 2006) and Mark B. Tauger, Agriculture and World History (Abingdon-on-Thames, UK: Routledge, 2010). 4 James Scott, Seeing Like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1998), particularly ch. 6–8, comparing agricultural collectivization in Joseph Stalin's USSR and in Julius Nyerere's Tanzania. 5 World Bank, "Rural Population (% of total population" at https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.RUR.TOTL.ZS. |
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