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Volume 4 • Number 1

November 2006

Sixteenth-Annual WHA Conference in Milwaukee


Overcoming Religious Illiteracy: A Cultural Studies Approach.
by Diane Moore
Re-Thinking How to Teach about Religion in the World History Classroom through Collaborative Peer Education.
by Claire Sisisky
Teaching Religion in World History.
by Mike Weber
Religion in the Teaching of Modern World History: Observation and Suggestions.
by David Fahey
Teaching about Buddhism Before Moving on to Macedon.
by Jack Betterly  
by David Lindenfeld
Focus on Neo-Confucianism for the World History Curriculum.
by Harold Tanner  
Sufism and American Women
by Marcia Hermansen  


Makeover Column II: Engaging Students to Think Deeply about Political Choices
by James A. Diskant
From Charnel House to School House
by Tom Laichas  
To the Left of Chinggis Khan
by Timothy May
A Lesson on Yasukuni Shrine: Teaching Shintoism and History by Analogy
by Janet Martin


Response to Peer Vries
by Ricardo Duchesne


Kiernan, Ben. How Pol Pot Came to Power: Colonialism, Nationalism, and Communism in Cambodia, 1930-1975, 2nd ed.
by Morten Bach
Friedman, Edward, Paul G. Pickowicz and Mark Selden. Revolution, Resistance and Reform in Village China
by James M. Hatch
Mithen, Steven. After the Ice: A Global Human History, 20000–5000 BC
by Marnie Hughes-Warrington
Hochschild, Adam.  The Unquiet Ghost: Russians Remember Stalin
by Mary Beth Immediata
Elvin, Mark. The Retreat of the Elephants: An Environmental History of China
by Jerome Klena
Snyder, Timothy.  The Reconstruction of Nations:  Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus, 1569-1999
by Steven Lauridsen
Perdue, Peter C. China Marches West: The Qing Conquest of Central Eurasia
by Timothy May
Pomeranz, Kenneth and Topik, Steven. The World that Trade Created: Society, Culture, and the World Economy, 1400 to the Present, 2nd edition
by David Pietz
Visser, Reidar. Basra, the Failed Gulf State: Separatism and Nationalism in Southern Iraq
by Maryanne Rhett
Gallay, Alan. The Indian Slave Trade: The Rise of the English Empire in the American South, 1670-1717
by Christopher Strobel

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