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Editor's Message

Marc Jason Gilbert


     This issue is devoted to a single theme: re-conceptualizing Asia in world history. It ranges in subject from pirates to social insurance, and from China's first female historian to Qing historians' view of the world before the Opium Wars. It offers a "Trial of Chinggis Khan," simulation sure to engage student interest.

     However, the scope and contents of these articles are so fully addressed in this issue's Introduction that they need no further discussion here.

     What does need fuller discussion is the utility to you, the reader, of a themed issue which springs from reader interest in that region. The editorial staff of World History Connected prefers to pursue forms and content its reader's desire and its contributors' seek to supply.  It is currently exploring new ways of connecting with both electronically. One of these methods is by asking readers to sign up for the free world history discussion site managed by the College Board at Though created for AP World History instructors it features valuable discussion and reources for all world history educators. Merely choose AP world from the Community box and you are on your way. If you are not an AP World History teacher with password and sign-on from the audit/syllabus revision, please note under "User Comments" your affliation. You can direct any questions or problems to John Maunu at

     Future issues in development will look at art in world history, problems in teaching world history, and Southeast Asia in world history. World History Connected welcomes the submission of articles and reviews on these and any other subject that can advance research and teaching in the still evolving field of world history.

Marc Jason Gilbert, Hawaii Pacific University



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