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Graduate Study in World History at Washington State University


The department of History at Washington State University is pleased to announce the creation of a doctoral program in World History. This program is among the first on the West Coast to offer World History as a primary field of study.

The Ph.D. in World History is a research-oriented field that trains historians for the university and college levels. The program seeks to move beyond comparative history to take a global approach to the study of significant historical issues, patterns, and events such as imperialism, world trade, the environment, gender studies, warfare, and migration. The program emphasizes rigorous methodological training in global theories and world historiography in tandem with specialization in a regional area set within a world historical and thematic context. Thus, students are expected to emerge from the program with both depth of specialization and breadth of perspective. In addition, the program emphasizes pedagogical training in teaching world history, and seeks to provide students with experience in teaching World History through WSU’s extensive World Civilizations program.

Features of the doctoral program include:

  • Specialized seminars and courses in World History, including World History Theory and Methodology (Professors Streets and Garretson) and Topics in World History (topics and faculty to vary annually).
  • Intensive focus in regional areas (including U.S., Modern Europe, Early Europe, Modern East Asia, Latin America, and Middle East).
  • Intensive focus on thematic approaches and issues (including gender, environment, imperialism, the history of race, warfare, Atlantic World, and Pacific Rim).
  • Mentoring by faculty with substantial interest and teaching experience in World History (11 out of 20 full-time faculty on the Pullman campus teach in the World Civilizations program).
  • Close association with Washington State’s large World Civilizations undergraduate program (offering more than twenty-five sections of World Civilizations every semester).
  • One of the most digitized campuses in the country, with access to and training for multimedia classrooms.
  • Specialized pedagogical training in teaching World History.
  • Substantial doctoral support for TA-ships and Instructorships in the World Civilizations program.

Specific program guidelines can be found on the history department website at:

Applications for admission for the Fall semester are due by February 1. We seek applicants with either a BA or MA degree for the Ph.D. program. Questions should be directed to Dr. Heather Streets, Department of History, Washington State University, PO Box 604030, Pullman, WA, 99164-4030. Tel: 509-335-5570, E-mail:

The department of History also offers World History as a secondary doctoral field, and as a two-year MA program.



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